Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My mom, mollie, and I decided to run the deseret news 10k on monday. It was a great race...way more fun than I anticipated. We even had some pretty cute cheerleaders waiting for us at the finish line!

One lady ran it in a pioneer ensemble. Wish I would have snapped a pic. It was a fun way to celebrate pioneer day...even though we didn't go as far as dressing like our ancestors.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

shout out

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to our very favorite friend CHRIS! This pic was taken at our wedding and it just sums up how we feel about Chris perfectly! Chris is the most loyal friend to Tony and ever since I met Chris he has been my fabulous friend too. He is thoughtful, kind, hilarious, humble, fun, and the best listener. I would say some of our very favorite nights are ones where Chris comes over for dinner (which always leads to a treat after). "We're the three best friends that anyone could have!" HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!

we love you!

pioneer day

We celebrated the 24th at the Oakley demolition was a blast! These pics were taken on my phone so they aren't great quality but they captured the night pretty well. I am so grateful for the pioneers and the sacrafices they made so that we could live in this beautiful place.

Happy 24th!

Monday, July 18, 2011


Happy Birthday to my fabulous sister in law September! This girl is quite amazing. She just recently moved back to Utah after living away for a long time and we have had so much fun with her being home (bear lake, camping trip, many dinners etc.). This girl is independent, smart, fun, kind, and basically the glue that holds the Bickmore fam together. I feel blessed to know her.

Happy Birthday September!

ps. check out that amazing candy cake (props to Sammie)...there is a bundt cake underneath all that delish candy...another reason I love this girl, we share a mutual obsession with candy!

Monday, July 11, 2011

summer lovin

summer is the best. here are some of the many reasons why...





pool time


full bloom garden

bike rides

running outside

snow shack

yellow nail polish

open windows


family time

sunkissed skin

warm nights


and so much more.


Sunday, July 3, 2011


I absolutely love being an aunt and I have to say that I have the cutest nieces and nephew around. I got to babysit them this weekend and we had so much fun, as always. Summer nights are the greatest and make spending time with the kiddos even better because we can go on walks, get slurpees at sev, ride bikes, and relax on the front lawn.

Love my little buddies so much!


I went to Good Things Utah the other fun. Rosie is interning there and the minute I hear David Archuleta was going on the show, I decided I needed to be there. It was amazing.

Cute David A is just itty bitty. So short and just the sweetest thing ever. He sang and then they interviewed him. I loved every minute of it.

Thanks for being so cool and a little TV star Rosa and letting me tag along!