HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my darling, sexy, amazing husband!
After much brainstorming on what to get Tony this year, I decided to get him a new fishing rod. For those of you who don't know, if I have one competition for Tony's love, it is with fishing. Obsessed is the word I would use. It was so fun to see how excited he got when I brought the new rod upstairs!

As part of his present this year I made him a homemade banana cream pie. Although I have watched my mom make hundreds of pies over the years, this was the first one I made on my own. It actually turned out really yummy to my surprise!

The real labor of love here though was blowing up 30 balloons by myself. The sun is in the way but there is a big happy birthday sign on the window.

We celebrated a night early by going to dinner with September and Jesse. We went to the cheesecake factory...always a favorite.
Have you ever seen anyone cuter?

Sammie had us over monday for some carmel brownies and ice cream (tony's fave). It has been more like a birthday week than a birth'day'. We are trying to drag out the celebration as long as possible!
Talented. Tony can seriously do everything! and is REALLY good at everything he does!
Open minded about life. Always willing to listen to others' opinions and thoughts.
Neat. (He trifolds his laundry so it fits nicely into his drawers!)
Youthful. No, not immature, but able to keep things fun and light.
Big. You may laugh at this but his height and manly stature is a definite favorite of mine.
Intellegent. Anyone that looks at NPR in bed at night is considered intellegent in my mind!
Comfortable with the person he is, never changing to impress others.
Kind...To everyone he meets. Always so thoughtful of other people's feelings.
Mine. Sorry ladies.
Outgoing. Friendly to everyone and never short on conversation.
Realistic. I can get a bit emotional and he has a way of bringing me back to real life.
Extraordinary in every possible way!
I love you Tone and hope you had the best birthday yet!