Saturday, May 28, 2011

chicks and things

the kiddos came up to see the chickies last night. the chicks have like doubled in size! they are getting so big. their feet make me a little nervous and tony thinks its hilarious that i get kinda scared. they barely let us hold them anymore and they are even starting to get feathers. the chicks LOVED chayce. they were climbing all over her and she didnt know quite what to do. she is just barely learning to sit and so 2 seconds after i took this picture she started to tip backwards and landed on two of the chicks. too funny.

tait and addie love these little babies. they thought it was pretty cool that the chicks would eat straight out of their hands.

my husband is quite the engineer (even before the schooling). He of course just had all these supplies lying around in the garage and he ingeniously came up with this idea for a little makeshift chicken coop. pretty good right? the chicks have definitely outgrown their laundry basket and our guest bedroom was starting to be a bit smelly so we moved them out to the garage. they are lovin it out there but whenever trapper comes in they all huddle together in the corner. (who would have thought that tony and i would have chickens? so strange haha)

side note: i had mentioned to tony a while ago that i needed a rain jacket. he brought this home for me one day randomly. isnt it darling? dont mind the awkward pic but i seriously love the jacket. such a fun surprise.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

say hello

to the most delicious cereal you will EVER taste. I discovered it about 2 weeks ago and have been through too many boxes already. It is the perfect way to start my day. ps...did you know it has been 3 1/2 weeks since I have had one of these? This is a pretty big deal for me!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


today tony brought these darling little chickies home. they are the newest addition to our little family. are they not the cutest things you have ever seen? sue sylvester, lulu, belle, and goldie locks are their names. I cannot get enough of them.

such cute little friends they will be. we got the idea from the two families that I nanny for. they both have chickens and tony thought it was just brilliant. once they get bigger they will each lay about 1 egg a day. I seriously love them so much already!

ps. did anyone else cry their eyes out on glee last night? loved every minute

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This was at the Thanksgiving Point Tulip have never seen so many beautiful flowers in your life! It was a lovely sunny day and I just loved spending it with my mom. (this pic didn't load all the way so sorry about the ghetto gray line) A couple weeks ago all of my aunts and cousins had a little girls night. I am not the craftiest of crafty but we decided to make these darling birthday banners. It was a super simple project and ended up being so fun. This pic does not do it justice (kinda looks like an oversized necklace) but it really is cute in real life. It has been hanging in our bay window since I made it...despite the fact that there have been no birthdays at our house.

Last night my sister in law and I went to see this FABULOUS movie while Tony and our friend Chris saw Thor in 3D. We were smiling/laughing the entire time because it was such a great movie. After we got smart cookie which was delish...we will definitely be going back to both the movie and smart cookie.

I will be the first to admit that I have never been too great at yard work. I was the youngest child and let's just say I managed to get out of yard work most saturdays. Now that we are living in a house, yard work is imperative! The other day I got out there are weeded, tilled, etc. It was actually way fun! I got pretty into it and almost had to force myself to stop. (now our garden looks MUCH better)

One of the more exciting things that has happened lately is the end of the semester! Finals were pretty horrid this semester and I am so happy to be done! I have been going to school for 5 semesters straight and so the summer off will be a much needed break before I dive into nursing school.