Wednesday, June 15, 2011

here's the scoop

tony built a chicken coop! How cute is this? The chickens have gotten much too large for the little coop we had in the garage and so Tony made a home depot run (or ten) and built this beauty. One of the major bonuses of this coop is that this part of the yard was once full and weeds and was quite an eye we have this darling thing taking up the space. I am constantly amazed by tony's talent for building. This coop was built from scratch with absolutely no guides or instructions... he just did it. GO TONY!

The chickens couldn't be happier. They have all the space they need to roam around and lay eggs (hopefully soon!). They are getting so big...I would post a pic but this is not a chicken blog and I feel like that is all I have posted about lately. I swear we have lives outside of farming.


  1. i love your life. you and ton are so great. awesome chicken coop!! you and jenna REALLY need to talk chickens. haha she would love that. nothing brings her more joy than her chickens. MISS YOU. play soon?

  2. love the coop! we may or may not be copying it soon :)
