Monday, March 28, 2011


I turned 22 yesterday. It was one of my favorite birthdays yet! Something about waking up to Tony and having him sing me his own rendition of happy birthday just added something extra special to my day. We went to st george last week to celebrate my birthday but he made yesterday so great for me. "The birthday elves" as tony calls them got up very early and wrote happy birthday all over our windows and mirrors. Then after church Tony made me this delicious breakfast. If you didnt know, he is an amazing cook! He also bought me these gorgeous roses. I think the best part of my day was that I got to spend the entire day with him. He has been so busy with work that we dont get to spend a ton of time together. I was so happy that yesterday we could just be together. Being married is simply the best.
Abs drove up from provo last and came to visit. She brought me this darling gift. Abby is a once in a lifetime friend. She is so thoughtful, caring, loveable, hilarious, fun, and kind. Sometimes I call her my "soulmate" because well...she just kind of is.
Our friend Laird made me these delicious cookies...from scratch. He is so domestic! Laird is a great friend to Tony and me. So thoughtful always. Thanks laird!!
Isn't this necklace amazing? Mollie had her friend Katherine (who I love) make this necklace for me. If you can't read it, it says "T & L forever". I just absolutely love it!
My parents, Al and Karina, and Whit and Zack gave me these lovely gifts. I felt so blessed to be able to spend last night with my entire family. My mom made this amazing dinner (all my favorite things) and we sat around the table and just chatted.
As I get older I feel like I realize more and more what is most important in life. I have been blessed with amazing people in my life. I honestly believe relationships are the most important part of life. Thank you to everyone who made my birthday so incredibly special. I love you all!!

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